
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Prejudice in Telephone Conversation and Dinner Guest-Me Essay -- Wole

Prejudice in knell converse and dinner scattery party Guest-MeIn the two poems, Telephone Conversation and Dinner Guest-Me,each poet uses their poetry as a means of confronting and challengingprejudice. In Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka, a phoneconversation takes place between an African man and a real artificiallady about rental out a room. When the lady finds out he is Africanshe becomes very prejudiced and racist towards him. Dinner Guest-Meby Langston Hughes is about a dumb man going to a dinner party wherehe is the simply coloured person there, like he is the token black.Anger and a sense of humour are shown in both of the poems. In TelephoneConversation the African man is angry at the peroxide ash-blonde and isdisgusted at her for being so rude and racist towards him, HOW sombre?ARE YOU LIGHT OR VERY DARK? The capital letter emphasises theloudness in her voice, whereas, in Langston Hughes poem the oppositedinner customer are non being prejudiced to the on ly black dinner guestdirectly. Although they would ask him the usual questions that comeinto exsanguinous mind. Here they are set apart from him as a different race,to be part of a Problem on Park Avenue at cardinal is not so bad. Hesangry because he is palliate part of the Negro Problem even though he iswith elegant, tweedy people. Hughes is laughing at the whitepeople complaining about not being black, Im so ashamed of beingwhite, in like manner at the democratic process and him self. He uses satiricalhumour at the dinner party by poking at establishment. He acknowledgesthat I know I am the Negro Problem and is aware they earn to bepolite about him. Wole Soyinka uses sarcastic humour and makes fun ofthe landlady when he wr... ...ws plenty of anger from Wole Soyinkatowards the artifical, white, public. Hughes also seems to be mad atthe white populace and thoroughly benefits from poking fun at them. I call back Soyinka is trying to make a point of the phony and vulgarindividu als there are and draw everyones attentions to them, Hughesis trying to make us gain ground just how obnoxious some can be todifferent races, as well to Soyinka. I believe both poets succeeded,the poems did make me consider how prejudice legion(predicate) persons are.In conclusion I prefer Dinner Guest-Me by Langston Hughes because Ienjoyed the satirical humour he used in his poem and how he made thetoken black stand out from all the other guests. Although I thinkthat both use their poetry well as a means of confronting andchallenging prejudice that was around back in the 1900s when the twopoems were written.

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